Preparation Classes


Steht eine Prüfung in Englisch an oder möchten Sie ein Englisch-Zertifikat (z. B. TOEFL, IELTS-Test oder Cambridge Certificate) erwerben? Wir können einen individuellen Vorbereitungskurs ausarbeiten.

If you are facing exams in English or planning to take a standardised test, we can help you in your preparation. For your TOEFL or IELTS test, for a Cambridge certificate or other assessment test we can design bespoke lessons to prepare you for it. WIth access to many practice tests, and extensive experience in helping people understand test questions and texts, I can vastly improve your chances of passing that important examination.


Public speaking can be difficult for some even in their native language. If you are preparing for an important presentation or speech in English, we can boost your confidence and improve your results.

If you regularly speak in front of an English-speaking audience (eg if you work in tourism or an international company), we are here to help you with tailor-made lessons.


For singers, actors and all stage artists performing in English, the tutor offers pronunciation and elocution lessons as well as simply the opportunity to rehearse in front of a trained ear.

He is himself experienced as an actor and singer and understands the specific requirements of perfectioning the spoken (or sung) word on stage.